A6 Organiser from B&M


Everyone loves a bargain. B & M are selling an A6 Organiser for £1.29.

The Organiser is a week to view diary in the first half and an address book in the second half and there is also a pen included. The ballpoint pen is also included – which is a neat enough pen – no smudging like you often get with cheaper pens and writes quite smoothly on the paper. Of course you can simply swap the pen out for another if you prefer and the pen loop gives enough to hold most pens.



Both parts of the organiser slip into the cover which means if you don’t have much use for a written address book you can swap this out and include an A6 notebook instead. Most A6 notebooks should fit but bear in mind that the notebook has to slide inside the cover so some A6 notebooks may still be a few mm too big (like my rosehip notebooks).

. cover

Here I have swapped a Cath Kidston notebook into the cover so I have a diary and a notebook in one organiser which is very handy for carrying about in my smaller handbag in case I need to make notes while on the go. I might even try swapping back to an A6 Monthly Notebook.  It is very easy to swap notebooks around depending on your needs. You might choose a different notebook if you are going out shopping, or going to work etc.

cath kidston

Visit B&M website to find your nearest store (UK).

Countdown to 2015: Diary Collection

There are a lot of beautiful diary collections out there. Your choice will partially be based on your preferred format (eg. dialy, week to view, Week on 2 pages and monthly (and how much space you need for the weekends), but sometimes it is just the classic look and feel of a diary that wins out.

1. Castelli

I tried a Castelli Notebook for the first time this year and loved it.Therefore it was only natural that I would check out their Diary offerings as well. They are available from John Lewis and are available in a variety of colours and sizes to suit your personal taste.

See: Castelli Ivory Collection

2. Letts

Like previous years Letts Diaries are personal favourites of mine especially for the desk diary option. However, they do a great range of simple and affordable diaries – personal & business.

See: Letts Diaries

3. Moleskine

I have already purchased the 2015 Monthly Agenda Diary from Moleskine as I always find that there are few options for a decent Monthly Diary and I have used this one previously. In additional to their monthly option Moleskine have a full range of daily and weekly options.

See: Moleskine Diaries

4. Paperchase

For simple diary options with a bit of colour and character then look no further than Paperchase for your shopping. These are great for day-to-day diaries.

See: Paperchase Diaries.

5. Filofax

For the diary that you can reuse each year – use a filofax. If you haven’t already got one of these ring bound organisers you can get one here. If you are already a proud Filofax owner and are simply in need of new inserts here are some of my favourite options for 2015:

What will you choose?

Countdown to 2015: The Blog Planners & Printables Edition

Many of us use a diary or planner to plan our online life, business or blog. So here is the round-up of some of the great blog planners available on the web. Some have been updated for 2015, some are just good classics:

Countdown to 2015 – a reflection on previous years

It is that time of year again – I’ve got to start agonising over what choice to make for my 2015 diary. Even though I know already I will have several. (And I also know that I will receive at least 2 diaries and 3 calendars as Christmas gifts).

Some friends might say it is way too early to be considering such an item but it pays to be prepared. Usually I have a free writing journal and then a small pocket diary to scribble down appointments and a bigger diary for to-dos.

In this series I am thinking about the simple all day – every day diary.

In 2004 – 2006 I used small blue pocket (page a day) diaries priced at 70p from Bargain Books. They were great and simple, perfect for when I was a student, but obviously looking for something a little bit more grown up now.

In 2007 – 2008 I had the Quo Vadis Textagenda diary which I loved (again another student planner), but then after I purchased this one I never saw one of these in the shops again.

2008 – 2009 I had a black simple diary purchased at Wilkinson’s until I scrapped it in favour of a moleskine diary as my main “cart it around everywhere” diary.

In 2010-2013 I used various moleskine diaries including – colour a month and a number of different weekly layouts.

In 2014 I finally started using a Pocket Filofax for the first time ever which I have found to work quite well as an all day – every day diary as if I want to get rid of some of the extra notebooks in my bag on a particular day I always have extra pages in my pocket as a backup.

and so the search begins for a diary for 2015…