Wall Planner


You may have seen The Week Dominator on Kickstarter last year. Well the Week Dominator has not arrived yet, but my pledge level included the Wall Planner of my choice and it arrived in December ready for the New Year.

I chose a Monday First Paper Version (dry erase is also available) which I have now proudly hung on my wall and as I am quite short I have gone for the Horizontal option (the calendar has horizontal on one side and vertical on the other). The calendar is very large (and very awesome). With one glance you can see and plan your whole year – perfect for goal setting and deadlines.

The calendar focuses on the weeks (not the months) with no spaces between the months. The bright blue month dividers are beautiful – in the flesh it really is an attractive calendar. The photograph does not show off the quality of the paper and the brightness of the blue – but hopefully you can still see how sleek it is. If you are looking for a wall planner – this is a top choice.

If you are interested you can still buy these Wall Calendars Online: