Countdown to 2010 #1: Kiki James

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The search for a new diary has commenced. Last week Office Supply Geek did a great review of the Kiki James Tuscan Wrap Journal. Despite being from the UK I had not come across Kiki James before so having read the review I immediately checked out the Kiki James website and was delighted to find that they have a wide range of Journals, photo albums and diaries. It was the pocket Tuscan wrap diary that caught my eye though:

(Photo Credit: Kiki James Website)

The 2010 Pocket Tuscan Wrap diaries come in three colours, and are in a similar style to the Tuscan wrap journal and are priced at £22. Personalisation costs £8 for initials and £15 for one line of text. Unfortunately the website does not give a very clear idea of what the diary is like inside, which may be on the con list as I can’t seem to find any real world stockists where I can have a look at it properly. But it is still definitely a contender.

For anyone interested in purchasing this diary (or indeed anything from the Kiki James Website) it is worth noting that you can get 10% off  with Voucher codes.

One thought on “Countdown to 2010 #1: Kiki James

  1. Pingback: Leather Wrap Journal (Paperchase) « Notes in a Book

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