L is for… Listography


If you are a notebook lover I will assume that you LOVE lists and are already aware of the fab Listography Books from Lisa Nolan. What you might not have realised that Listography is also available as an iphone app which means that you can list anything and everything.

If you do not have a lot of time for a journal, Listography Books are a great way to creating a keepsake journal in list form with minimal effort. Listography Books include:

what type of lists do you enjoy?


8 thoughts on “L is for… Listography

  1. I’d love to have a phone app for lists … is it really that simple? I’ll check it out. I have lists on scraps of paper – everywhere. Not good .. it drives me nuts. And note books galore, and quotes in other notebooks …moleskins of all sizes …
    Garden of Eden Blog

    • Hi Susan,

      Thanks for dropping by.

      I know the feeling I have lists everywhere but I try to consolidate them on a weekly basis from scraps into notebooks otherwise they take over the world 🙂

  2. I’ve never heard of these…my life is mostly lists. I suppose if I’d kept all the lists I’d ever made it would be quite a journal of my life. In a way my mom kept a list of her life in calendar posts. I believe she kept most of her calendars, too. (I should go look for them) Birthdays, fuel deliveries and costs, special events…
    Thanks for introducing me to these. Might have to get the parenting listography book for my daughter…or the app.
    Donna Smith
    The A-to-Z Challenge
    Mainely Write

    • That’s lovely that your mum kept all her calendars. I wish I did, but I am constantly moving house and everytime I move I chuch more and more things as I hate packing.

      LIstography book for your daughter sounds like a great idea. Another beautiful gift book is the from me to you journal of a lifetime range which I wrote about last time I did the challenge.

      G is for… Gifts #atozchallenge

  3. I am a list maker from ‘way back – excited to check out the app and the listography books you mentioned. I am hoping my compulsive list making and checking will help me if I end up with Alzheimer’s like my mother (who never made a list or wrote anything down in her life!)

    • List making can be a great memory exercise. I’m sorry to hear your mother has Alzheimer’s it must be so difficult to be a carer – great theme for your challenge posts.

  4. Pingback: Survival… | Notes in a Book

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