

I can’t believe it is over.

Thank you to everyone who organised the A to Z Challenge and everyone who took part and congratulations to everyone who made it all the way to the end. The first time I did the challenge (2012) I just did a random alphabet – this year I tried to have more of a theme as explained in my theme reveal. I found this worked well and earned me some repeat visitors (Yay!).

The first time I did the challenge I found the blog posts the most difficult thing. This time round I had learned to prepare some in advance, however with a lot more blogs taking part in the challenge I fell behind (seriously behind) on visiting and reading the blogs on the list – side note it would be great if we could find a way to display a theme column on the linky list but I assume it is not possible otherwise we would all be doing this already

Even though I probably read fewer blogs overall this year – I did use my A to Z Notebook from Printed Portal to keep a record of the blogs I visited and I will continue to use it for the rest of the year (post challenge road trip) when I try to get through the rest of the list. So let’s hope everyone puts a nice clear a to z page on their blog listing the challenge posts to make it easy. You can find mine here.

Overall a great challenge and I look forward to taking part again next year.  Oh and for people who found me during the challenge and enjoyed my theme – I pretty much blog about notebooks all year round – so feel free to visit again


6 thoughts on “Reflections…

  1. That’s a good idea, to put a page of A to Z blog posts. I did not think of that so thank you! Now, to figure out how to do that in blogger. I think I can.

    Here’s my A to Z wrap-up post. I also have an End of Challenge book giveaway going on for either contemporary romance or contemporary YA.

  2. I agree with you that a being able to list the theme would be a good addition. I’ve noticed a few people mention that so maybe they’ll be able to come up with something next year. I definitely like the grouping of posts. I did the same thing on my page. So much easier for those who I didn’t get around to until after A to Z was over. I’m still working my way down the list. There were a LOT of participants. Elle @ Erratic Project Junkie

  3. Hiya … I need to come back to read your A-Z posts .. but congratulations on finishing and having a good time .. that is the most important thing … cheers for now – Hilary

  4. Well done for completing the challenge.

    I think having a system for keeping track of which blogs you’ve read is a really good idea. I switch between reading on my laptop and on my Kindle and sometimes I got a bit lost on the list.

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