The Maker’s Notebooks

Last weekend I went to Maker Faire UK.

Maker Faire UK is described as ” a two-day family friendly festival of invention and creativity, bringing together over 300 hackers, crafters, coders, DIYers and garden shed inventors from across the globe – people who love to make stuff and who want to share their passion with the public.”

Now I thought that was worth supporting and worth going to. It was a great fun day out and I met loads of interesting people and saw loads of cool inventions and tricks. I also had an opportunity to attend some great talks.

You may have noted that during the A to Z Challenge I wrote about Inventor’s notebooks. Well now I have another to add to the list the Maker’s Notebook which I bought at the Maker Faire (and which can also be bought online from Make). What was really great was the a lot of the participants and makers at the event all had these notebooks.


The notebook itself is 165 pages (all numbered). Pages 1-146 are engineering graph paper.  Every page has a blank heading to list project name, date, sign or note, and a place to link project/related pages (“From Page___, to Page___). The rest of the pages at the back of the notebook are reference pages with lots in useful information for makers.

There is also a pocket at the back of the notebook with lots of stickers.

I’ve not started using this notebook yet and will write again once I have been using it for a while.


2 thoughts on “The Maker’s Notebooks

  1. Awesome!!! you just gave me an idea for my husband’s birthday. I didn’t know about these, but he subscribes to the Make magazine and would love to go to a Maker Faire someday. For now, he can settle for this to keep track of his projects. Thanks 🙂

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