Q is for… Quadrille Notebooks


Quadrille Notebooks are notebooks with squared paper. Quadrille Notebooks are great for sketching, drawing and writing.

Examples include:

Quadrille Notebooks I have previously blogged about include:

Do you prefer using lined, squared or plain paper?

8 thoughts on “Q is for… Quadrille Notebooks

  1. Oh I LOVE squared paper! Great for sketching out new cross stitch design ideas. Didn’t know they were called Quadrille notebooks though – you have taught me something new today!
    -Kate (A nearly getting to Z!)

  2. Oh my goodness–I haven’t thought about these in ages! I used to LOVE having to purchase these for science or math classes in school. I had forgotten all about these until I read your post!

  3. I’ve always preferred quadrille notebooks (didn’t know they were called that!), probably because I started writing and doodling in my school notebooks as a kid 🙂 I like blank pages as well, but they are more challenging to use – I prefer the guiding lines of the quadrilles.

  4. Pingback: Survival… | Notes in a Book

  5. Pingback: D is for… Doane Paper | Notes in a Book

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