One notebook: Soft Flexible Journal (Paperchase)

I’m about to set off on my travels again. One location, One week this time round – so no need for a detailed travel journal. Last time a created a specific and detailed travel planner using the Alfie Planner.

The objective this time round is to have one notebook – that I can carry round and use for everything. Yes, I know I have my monthly rosehips (a6) and monthly exercise/thin spiral bound books which each serve a different purpose. But for the holiday I want one for everything. So I got another notebook from Paperchase.

I have chosen an a5 book (so it can fit in my bag) squared pages (as lines will force me to write smaller and double-spaced(great for editing) but at the same time I can doodle and draw when bored), and 300 pages (so there is no chance of running out).

I was thinking of getting one with tabs, so I could have different categories, but I thought in the long run it would be more creative to just have it all-one-free-flowing. This is in part what this holiday is about for me – reconnecting with my creative side – so hopefully, lots of writing and lots of reading.

The notebook will not be opened until I hit the airport – so I will do a proper review of it on my return.

3 thoughts on “One notebook: Soft Flexible Journal (Paperchase)

  1. Pingback: One Notebook: One Week Later « Notes in a Book

  2. Pingback: The holiday notebook « Notes in a Book

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