How to: Organise your Blogging (#2: The Posting Schedule)

As I have previously mentioned I keep a blog journal to keep organised. For the second part of this How To Series I want to take a look at how creating a posting schedule can keep your blogging organised. The blog posts are the most vital part of your blog, without them you are not saying much.

With the Blogging from A-Z Challenge coming up in April I thought it was the perfect opportunity to show my readers how the moleskine monthly can help organise your blogging posting schedule.

As you can see from the pictures above the moleskine monthly sets out on a two page spread the month of April. In each box I have written in the corner the letter of the alphabet allocated to that day in accordance with the challenge schedule. Then in each box I have also written what I hope to write about each day (I’m still brainstorming).

The schedule allows me to see what I need to post when and about what. This is why a notebook like this is great for focused challenges like this one, although it is also perfect for organising the rest of your blog postings during an ordinary month (and beyond).

Take a look at my second example below:

The blogging journal helps me spread out my posts evenly, reminds me of any deadlines for contests or challenges and keeps track of my two blogs and any articles/guest posts that I am writing. If you have a busy writing life – this helps. I also find that it helps inspire you and shows you whether you are being to focused or vague in any particular month. It can help analyse your writing habits – e.g. Do I prefer to write reviews, share wishlist items, or share practical advice. If however, you tend to have regular postings on particular topics such as a weekly interview, or podcast you can plan for the months ahead and find those posts where you still need material. In advance. So you don’t have a last-minute panic.

How you actually organise you posting schedule will depend on the format you use with your blog – but the key points are – get your ideas on paper, book in your regular slots, post regularly and evenly and never miss a deadline again.

One thought on “How to: Organise your Blogging (#2: The Posting Schedule)

  1. Pingback: Blogging From A to Z April Challenge Topics….. « shanjeniah

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