In use: My Sign Language Books

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I’m currently on week four of my Sign Language Level One classes and therefore all the notebooks that I bought for the purpose of these classes are now in use.


I am using three notebooks: Puss in Boots Ladybird book for vocabulary, Large Brown Signature Notebook for sentences structure and Small Mulberry Signature Notebook for my Logbook.

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Oh how I love these notebooks.

With the Ladybird, I had agonised over what to do with a plain paged notebook (when I had been expecting a lined one) – but it worked out suitable for drawing diagrams for sign language as can be seen in the first picture with little annotations.

The Small Mulberry Signature notebook is my logbook, where I write down what I have learned and practiced during the course. Everyone’s immediate reaction was that’s a posh notebook – when in reality Signature (as I’ve mentioned before) is WH Smiths attempt at a moleskine style notebook. Both Signature notebooks look and feel the same (other than the size and colour of course). I will also add that I find the Mulberry a much more interesting colour and prefer it. As previously mentioned the paper is 80gsm, smooth to touch and great to write on. My feelings about this haven’t changed. The smaller notebook is much neater and easy to carry about, the larger notebook, although not overly large and still a relatively permanent addition to my bag, I find quite clunky and heavy to handle at times.

That said, I would definitely continue to recommend all three of these notebooks.

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