One Notebook: One Week Later

So I am now refreshed, revitalised and raring to go after a week’s holiday. Unfortunately right now my Jet lag has my head in a spin and I can’t sleep – only 5 hours until I am due to get up for work. Not the best for the “smart on my return” attitude I hoped to have.

So in an attempt to feel more drowsy, I thought I post further commentary to last week’s post. The flexible journal has now survived a trip to the states and back. I was in two minds about the whole experience.

As cute and chunky as the 300 page a5 notebook is – at times I did find it a bit on the heavy side to go everywhere with me and found myself peach iced tea in hand but no proper notebook…. a rather disappointing situation to find myself in. In part I believe this is mainly because I am used to carrying round a number of thin and light exercise books and this was something of a change. And secondly because walking from place to place in America is no easy feat – the heat, the distances and the weight of your bag, seem more of a burden compare to my usual brisk 20 minute walk to the train station.

On the other hand, the notebook itself works well. it holds together nicely, lies flattish with a bit of persuasion, the gridded paper is a delight to write on, giving you the freedom of sketching and writing. I know in the future I will lean continuously towards grid notepaper for my “mess-books”.

Overall the book works a charm. However,  I may suggest you opt for the 200 page version should you be braving walking over interstates.

2 thoughts on “One Notebook: One Week Later

  1. Pingback: The holiday notebook « Notes in a Book

  2. Pingback: Q is for… Quadrille Notebooks | Notes in a Book

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