J is for… a Job for all notebooks #atozchallenge

Do you dedicate a particular function to your notebooks? I do like to try to. I tend to keep a notebook for each function – why? Because I will know where to find things (and my notebooks do not go to waste).

Usually I try to to buy a notebook without first having some idea in my mind regarding what it will be used for.

From time to time I write about how I use notebooks on the blog. I try to inspire my readers to use notebooks to be more organised and to also use their notebooks for a particular purpose rather than let them go to waste.

Examples include:

blogging journal
goals journal
Food diary

I definitely think I want to write more about the jobs each of my notebooks are dedicated too, I don’t do this often enough.

How do you use your notebooks and for what purposes?

One thought on “J is for… a Job for all notebooks #atozchallenge

  1. Pingback: the A to Z of notebooks (#atozchallenge summary post) « Notes in a Book

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